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Daisy Flower Bouquets

Where do we buy fresh daisy flowers? Get a fresh batch of daisies in bouquets, flower basket, or just arranged in a vase with our selection below. Order daisy bouquets with same-day delivery today.

A Lovely, Dainty Daisy Bouquet Takes the Blues Away

There’s something magical about a Daisy. They look like our drawings of flowers when we were kids. Daisies cover a wide range of flower species including Gerbera Daisies and Oxeye Daisies. Daisies come in white, lilac, pink, yellow, purple, and much more. Daisies are perfect as garnishes on bouquets. It’s no surprise to see them arranged in a bouquet around larger flowers such as sunflowers, roses, lilies, or carnations. The best variety of daisies in bouquets are found at Flower Chimp. All types of daisy flowers are available for delivery in Singapore. Read more to find out how you could get a daisy bouquet today.


Daisy Flowers for All Occasions

Daisy flowers are appropriate for all occasions. These versatile flowers go great with bouquets for birthdays, graduation, engagement flowers, newborn baby arrivals, bridal bouquets, and even sombre occasions such as funerals and wakes. Their subtle characteristics allow for easy placement of daisies in bouquets, flower baskets, standing arrangements, and loose flowers in a vase.

The daisy is also a flower full of meaning. The daisy symbolises purity and innocence as it is associated with mythology and legends of old. This results in daisies being used in a variety of ensembles for weddings and birthdays – especially kids’ birthdays.


Order Daisy Bouquets in Singapore with Same-day Delivery

Such a beautiful flower deserves all the praise and appreciation. Go ahead and get some for yourself or send them as a gift to someone special. Take a look at Flower Chimp’s collection of daisy flowers and bouquets, and simply add-to-cart your favourite option. We’ll make it for you and deliver it to your doorstep. Thanks to same-day delivery, you can get daisies and other flower mixes sent around Singapore within a few hours. Remember to place your order before the cut-off time too take advantage of same-day delivery.