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October 02, 2020 2 min read

The humdrum of everyday life sometimes feel like an infinite loop of monotony and exhaustion - from long workdays to a never-ending list of chores to get done at home, and everything else that we handle in between.  When was the last time you sat back and gave yourself a moment to stop and smell the flowers?

In today’s fast-paced world, with everything being a simple click of a button away - life has become anything but simple! And in such times, sometimes the most essential gift we can give ourselves is the invaluable favour of self-care. Whether that comes in the form of meditation, a quick-getaway or a little indulgence - it is of utmost importance to do every little act that we can to keep our physical, mental, and spiritual health in check.

As for us, we love being surrounded by beautiful and fragrant blooms of all shapes, colours and sizes - they brighten up our space with their vivid colours and sweet scents, and make our moods a whole lot bloomier, even on a gloomy day. But, we do know the struggle of keeping such gorgeous blooms all over in a practical way - After all, bouquets can sometimes be far too big and vases are often a worrisome hassle. Which is why we’ve devised the perfect solution for you to perk up your home and workspace - beautiful and chic boxed flowers. 

With a spray of salubrious blossoms, carefully decorated in a classy and functional box - you won’t have to worry about storage, space or decor when bringing yourself the bloom any longer. Our gorgeous boxed flowers come in an array of various styles - and perfectly perched within a minimalistic yet elegant box, perfect for any desk, shelf or table. 

And our newest collection of Bliss Boxes are carefully curated with self-care in mind, transporting you to your very own utopia away from all the stressors of daily love; a box of bliss for every season - our all-new bliss boxes bring you on the perfect vacation with a simple glance or whiff - so whether that’s a winter wonderland or a spring fiesta, we’ve got your perfect getaway that’s just a box away. 


Jewels Of Eden, our spring-inspired Bliss Box is sure to enchant you into the gardens of Utopia with its gleaming blossoms.

Our Cali Dreamin’ summery Bliss Box is a vibrant splash of summer - helping you live life in full bloom! 

Amber Essence, our autumnal arrangement of flowers is a toasty and luminous Bliss Box that paints your surroundings in a warm, wonderful light. 

 And finally, our shimmering Frosted Frolic Bliss Box is inspired by the delicate dancing snowflakes that’ll lure you into a winter wonderland. 


So take that well-deserved break, and take yourself on a magical journey with our all-new Bliss Boxes, right from the comforts of your workspace or home.